Peer Review Process

YJSSH we implement a rigorous and transparent peer review process to ensure the quality and credibility of each published article. This process is designed according to international standards and thoroughly assesses the originality, validity, and scholarly contribution of each manuscript.

  1. Manuscript Submission: Once a manuscript is submitted, the editor conducts an initial screening to ensure it meets the journal's formatting and scope requirements.

  2. Preliminary Editorial Review: The editor assesses whether the manuscript aligns with the focus and scope of the journal and determines if it should proceed to the next review stage. Manuscripts that do not meet the criteria may be rejected at this point.

  3. Double-Blind Peer Review: YJSSH employs a double-blind review method, where the identities of authors and reviewers are concealed from each other. Manuscripts meeting the initial criteria are sent to two or more expert reviewers in the relevant field, who evaluate the scientific content, clarity, and contribution of the work.

  4. Author Revisions: Based on the reviewers' feedback, authors may be asked to revise their manuscripts. This process may be repeated until the manuscript meets the journal’s standards.

  5. Final Decision: The editor reviews the feedback from reviewers and the revisions made by the author to make a final decision. Manuscripts may be accepted, rejected, or returned for further revision.

  6. Publication: Once accepted, the manuscript undergoes final editing before being published in the appropriate issue.

The peer review process at YJSSH is designed to maintain the quality, accuracy, and integrity of every scholarly work we publish. Through this, we aim to support the advancement of knowledge and uphold the trust of readers and the academic community.